Sunday, August 25, 2002

Some personal news
Tomorrow morning I move to Alexandria, Virginia to take up my new position as an assistant editor at The American Conservative, a start-up magazine of politics and culture. I am afraid, therefore, that while I settle into my new rooms and await the connection of my telephone line and the delivery of my new Dell computer, I shan't be able to post as frequently as I have become accustomed to. I shall try to drop in from time to time from friends' machines, and I invite you to continue checking this page regularly, as I intend to resume blogging regularly just as soon as I can.

If any Washington-area readers have any suggestions, recommendations, warnings, or other tips for a new neighbor, I should be thankful if you would communicate them to me by e-mail. My memories of living in Northern Virginia are those of a child in the '80s, and I am confident that at least a few things have changed since then. I know my priorities and living requirements certainly have.